General Information
More than 8 million women in the U.S. suffer from urinary control problems. Almost half of these women do not seek treatment, often because they mistakenly believe nothing can be done. Fortunately, there are new, effective solutions to the problem of involuntary loss of urinary control, or urinary incontinence. Causes of urinary control problems vary widely. For many women, bladder control problems may be caused by the stress of childbirth or by medications they are taking for other conditions. Other women experience bladder control problems when some of the pelvic muscles weaken after menopause.
There are three major types of urinary incontinence:
Stress Incontinence occurs when the pelvic floor muscles become weak and can no longer support the urethra and bladder neck. As a result, simple activities such as coughing, sneezing or lifting a heavy object can cause urine to leak. For some, this leakage may occur because the external sphincter muscle is not functioning properly. Stress incontinence is the most common type of incontinence.
Overflow Incontinence occurs when the bladder never fully empties and simply overfills to the point of leakage. Overflow incontinence may be caused by factors such as scar tissue resulting from prior surgery or from neurologic problems.
Urge Incontinence is the loss of urine related to the strong desire to go to the bathroom, regardless of how full the bladder is. Causes of urge incontinence may be related to nerve problems, prior surgery, or coexisting stress incontinence.
Reasons to seek the help of a urologist for female urology would include:
- Incontinence
- Increased urinary frequency
- Urinary urgency (need to void urgently)
- Pain on bladder which is relieved by passing urine
- Suprapubic pain
- Nocturia (frequent urination during the night)

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Other Female Urology Conditions
Chronic and Recurrent Cystitis
American women make approximately nine million visits each year to the doctor’s office for cystitis treatment. It is the most common cause prompting women to seek medical attention and care. Its causes can be found and treated; it is not necessary for a woman to live with chronic cystitis. All evaluations are performed at the center including office cystoscopy and any indicated urodynamic tests. There is a guide for successful prevention and cure of this stubborn ailment.
Interstitial Cystitis (IC)
Interstitial cystitis is a syndrome that presents with varying symptoms which may include urinary frequency, urinary urgency (need to void urgently), pain on bladder which is relieved by passing urine, suprapubic pain, and nocturia (frequent urination during the night). New treatments have recently become available which help this chronic problem as well as special diets and vitamin combinations.